It feels so magical in some way.
There isn't any FOMO. No feeling of longing for what's been set on PAUS for a couple of days.
It has actually made me thinking and to be wanting to push that paus button for longer than just these four days.
I feel like I have gotten so much more time and energy every day. Hey, I mean, I'm in my time for what should be PMS normally, and yet, I feel so freaking good and balanced. I've also stopped drinking tea as a test, as the second and lastly source of caffeine (I stopped drinking Coca Cola Zero last year), since I've learnt its effect on the body. And I'm evaluating after a while.
So what do I drink instead in the morning? Hot lemon water! Today I added a little, maybe half a teaspoon of maple syrup, the other days, it was without. So I use the machine to get the water boiling, just add some lemon juice at the bottom of the cup, and then pour the water. Voila!Easy peasy lemon breezy 😂
So, where's the magic coming from? Hot lemon water? No haha, that's just one sexy discovery.
However, the biggest game changer here, is that I, as mentioned in my last blog post, I decided to logg off from "scroll socials" such as Facebook, Instagram (and Threads). I honestly find it being lots of fun to socialize with other AMAZING women as I do on these social platforms. I just felt like I had started lacking some energy and inspiration to my posts, and wanted to take an intentional break and engage in rest and other fun, creative, and offline activities. It's given me results to say at least, and it's only been 3 days, I have at least 1 more to go (thinking of extending it a little).
So, my love, this is what I want to share with you. Whether you feel like me, lacking a bit of creativity energy, or maybe you're feeling disconnected from yourself, whatever, pull the breaks, disconnect from certain time and energy consuming channels, may it be digital or non digital (relationships, work etc). Practice to follow your own flow and lead. Listen and go with it. Maybe you need to sleep in a little extra, maybe you wanna make your favorite recipe of an awesome salad, or bake your favorite cookie, or go for that wonderful walk along the beach or in the forest, or listen to a meditation with that beautiful relaxing sound?
Give yourself a yes day or two (maybe a weekend like for me). Find what's possible for you, maybe you're a single parent with toddlers without anyone who can help you, then make the evenings for you. When they're put to bed, instead of passing out in the sofa, with the tv in the background while scrolling reels/tik toks, decide to give yourself an hour or something, when you just allow yourself to turn off all the noises, and do something for you.
I'll end this with my favorite quote "Gorgeous, you're far too magical to settle for average".
Much Love,
Your Women's Certified Life and Self-Love Coach
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