Hey my love, it's time to stop fighting now
The battle is over, and your authentic you finally won.
Your burnout was the end of the battle. Your authentic you finally did a knockout on the you you thought you had to be.
You need to understand that she's tired. She's been fighting for so long now, probably years, for you to see her, acknowledge her, accept her, and embrace her. She's been sending you all these gentle signs, whispers with guidance and direction. Unfortunately, you've kept ignoring her and finally she collected everything she had left and made this huge knockout.
You can keep trying to give CPR to made up you, but you're only wasting your time, because she won't come back, she's gone.
It took me some time before I realised it myself, when I got into my burnout 2017. Believe me, I tried all kinds of CPR until I fell down, exhausted, at my psychologist's office, and she said "Why are you trying so hard to go back to being the person that got you to this place"?
This sentence really stuck with me, and that was the sentence that allowed me to start my healing journey,
Don't be mad at your burnout, be grateful, it's finally given you the permission to become you, embrace it and say thank you to God/Universe/or what you call the power higher than you.
Allow yourself to be curious and open to meet the real you, I believe you'll be positively surprised.
I'd be so happy if you left a little note or message that you've been here.
Have a wonderful Wednesday,