Gorgeous, my advice to you to get a more freeing life - allow yourself to be YOU.
Unfortunately, so many of us women looses ourselves into all roles in our lives and forget about our own identity.
Where did the fun, happy, passionated "Meghan" go? She used to be so much more fun before "this or that"..
So many of us already have an idea of how we need to be as a daughter/wife/partner/ mom etc before we even become a mom or wife/partner. Then we get into this role with all these ideas and expectations, thinking we need to be this or that way, and we expect our partners to show up in the same way. We keep fighting to uphold the image to the point of a burnout.
I personally believe this comes from a space where we're being very much into our masculine energy, trying to control things.
When we honestly, would gain so much more from being in our feminine energy, flowing. Trusting ourselves, allowing our intuition to lead us and guide us, not loose us.
Allow yourself to grow into your roles as you are.
Allow you to shine through.
Allow your messy, weird, fun and loving side still be there, don't loose it.
Allow yourself to be you.
Forget about who you think you "have" to be, and start being who you are and want to be. Have fun and enjoy life
Your Women's Life and Mental Health Coach