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Our Services

Pink Sugar

Coming To A Session

When it is time for the first session...

How you can prepare before your session starts: 

I recommend you to make sure you have eaten. Food in your belly is one of the main ingredients for a healthy mind and for you to be able to stay focused as much as possible.
The same goes with hydration, and please bring some water, paper and pencil with you.

Keep your phone on silent and turned away if possible so you don't get distracted by notifications.

Of course there are exceptions, if you need to be stand by in case of an emergency or maybe you have to be available for your kids. Then vibration can be an alternative or just give a headsup to your coach at the beginning of the session.

I believe it's important for you, to get most out of your session, to be grounded. This is why I highly recommend for you to either before the session starts, listen to a guided meditation, you can find one of mine here on the site under "shop".
If you prefer there's also an option that we start our session with me guiding you through a short meditation.

And last but not least, come with an open mind and respect both your own and your coach's time, let her know if you're running late.

Missed time at the beginning of the session doesn't equal extended time at the end.

Coaching is;

Client led

Future focused

Goal setting





Coaching is not:

psychotherapy, psychoanalysis or any other form of mental health care treatment or therapy, nor is it to be used as a substitute
for professional advice by legal, medical, financial, business or other qualified professionals. 

If appropriate, You will seek independent professional guidance in the areas indicated and You understand that all decisions and actions in these areas are Your sole responsibility.

You are solely responsible for creating your own results.

I like to use the analogy, comparing with
hiring a Personal Trainer or signing up for a gym membership, it's not enough getting to the gym, you also have to lift those weights,
or participate in the gym classes, and
continue to do so more than once. 

I as your coach has the "gym and equipment" for you, but it's up to you to use it. Instead of building physical strength, we're building emotional and mental strength. 

A big bonus here is that you don't even have to leave your house for your "workouts". 

Cancellation and return policy:

You or the Company may cancel the agreement in writing (by email or letter), giving 14 clear days notice. In the event that you owe money to the Company at the time of cancellation, full payment will become due at the time of cancellation. 

"The most important habit you
should develop is the ability to
always believe in yourself"

2022 Terese Sacramento 

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